AURORA Play Video
AURORA information
Queen of the North
Role – Mage
Secialty – Crowd Control/Burst
Pride of Ice
Each time the skill is cast, one unit of frost energy will be added to Aurora, when 4 units of frost energy is collected,
the next skill damage will freezes the target. All skills can deal extra Magic Damage to the frozen target.
Frost shock
CD: 4.0 Mana Cost: 55
Aurora fires a Frost Energy Missile, when it hits the enemy it will detonate and deal 300(+130%Total Magic Power)
points of radial Magic Damage and slow enemies down.
Bitter Frost
CD: 11.0 Mana Cost: 110
Aurora deals 430(+180%Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage at specified target and causes target’s movement speed to drop 80% for 1.5 secs.
Cold Destruction
CD: 40.0 Mana Cost: 160
Aurora summons a giant icy rock to bombard a designated target location, all enemy heroes hit will be slowed down and receive 900(+180%Total Magic Damage) points of Magic Damage. Surrounding enemies of the target location where the rock lands also will be slowed down and receive 450(+90%Total Magic Damage) points of Magic Damage.